Mandatory validation: CAP among the leaders
CAP Autolinee (Prato, Italy) is one of the first AEP customers. During these eighteen years of collaboration, we have always been able to appreciate collaborationship from this cooperative, ancient but always in avant-garde to innovate. For a long time, CAP Autolinee has introduced mandatory validation every bus boarding, an essential way considered essential by expert to reduce ticket evasion, thus reduce the cost of transport for honest citizens.
On these days, CAP Autolinee renews its commitment with the “With Carta Mobile everybody is beepping” initiative that, in addition of fighting evasion, award with a quarterly season ticket the customers who, responding positively and participatively, have made more “beep” during the 01/09/2015 – 31/08/2016 period.
CAP Autolinee‘s system is based on ET – The Easy Ticketing.