Change at the top at AEP: Alessandro Sansone is the new chief executive officer
Here is an interview with the new CEO, including projects and personal history
Alessandro Sansone is the new CEO of AEP Ticketing Solutions. Born in Puglia in ’72, he traveled extensively before staying in Italy: he lived 11 years in the Netherlands and then also in Belgium and Sweden. He speaks three other languages in addition to Italian: English, French, and Dutch. A mechanical engineer by training, he also holds a Global Executive MBA from some of the world’s top universities. The new leader of the electronic ticketing company for public transport, headquartered in Signa (Fi), has management experience in various industries, both in Italy and abroad, including in multinational environments. Among the companies he has worked for in the past are names such as Westinghouse Electric Company, Honeywell, Philips, and SKF.
Is this your first time in the field of transportation and e-ticketing?
What do your previous work experiences with AEP have in common?
«In recent years, I have been very close to the world of nuclear power and especially O&G, where participating in tenders and taking contracts is the order of the day. This experience, along with the ways of working and ethical and moral values, was crucial to my selection at AEP. For my part, at the time of negotiation I was keen to understand first of all what the core value of this company is. A value that is based on transparency, involvement, accountability, meritocracy, inclusive ways of working».
What do you think are the company’s key strengths?
«A deep technical knowledge of the subject, an innovative and pioneering DNA, but also the curiosity of employees to continuously innovate. And then, a widespread presence in the territory with strong references, membership in an established group that helps to equip itself with winning, synergistic and shared operating models that support in a healthy way the activities and people who work there. Attention to people’s well-being is top of mind in the company».
Do you think change is an opportunity or a risk?
«Change exists whether we want it to or not. Everything changes. What can be done is to govern this inevitable process, directing it in the best way. And not everyone could afford this!».
What are the pros of e-ticketing in public transport?
«Multiple. The pace of development of these technologies is exponential; we ourselves realize how much we need to stay abreast to live in the present while leaving behind the snags of the past. Let us not forget the days when to board public transportation one had to look for newsstands or open tobacconists to purchase tickets. Today, however, we are in a different era. The smartphone is a medium that facilitates daily activities, and in the future there will be more and more user-friendly technologies, helping us to optimize time and resources in daily life».
What are your interests?
«I am passionate about history, particularly I read a lot about World War II. I also play a lot of sports. I love tidiness and like to organize housework».
Is AEP a sustainable company?
«First, it has been working in recent years on the dematerialization of the paper ticket so, viewed from this perspective, it has a respectable green identikit. Being sustainable, however, is not just that. It means being able to innovate. Supporting its activities and people at work in a healthy way, preferring modern technologies and, last but not least, maintaining collaborative relationships with customers. And, just as importantly, belonging to a solid and innovative international group, such as Modaxo, which is part of CSI Inc. also helps with financial sustainability and its growth, to be increasingly solid and reliable partners. In short, I think sustainability should be all-around».
What’s in the pipeline?
«Several projects. This will be the year when we will cover all of Milan with our presence. We will try to achieve other corporate certifications precisely to be even more attractive in the market. I am also aiming to confirm on the Italian territory our potential and to contribute in consolidating our company as a corporate, opening the roads to international markets according to studied and not casual strategies».
Are you looking for new staff?
«We are always looking for collaborators who want to embrace important challenges. There will always be a place with us for people who want to get into the game. In particular, we will be hiring 8 percent more people in Italy this year, and we have potential job placements abroad in the pipeline as well.».
Your motto?
«It has always been ‘Despite everything I can do it!’».