Bus ticket? How to buy it in a virtual store
The solution, valid also for subscriptions, from AEP, is called ET-WEBS and will soon be in Italy
A virtual store to buy tickets and local public transport services. Technology becomes more and more present in mobility management and in the relationships between transport companies and the citizen. Like banks and institutions, also in the LPT sector users can perform more and more on their own and from home. And this, without necessarily having to go to the offices, thus also avoiding crowds.
The solution comes through Aep’s web portal, ET-WEBS, already in use by many companies. In fact, a real virtual store through which the company can provide its sales and support services to users. The technology allows not only to buy a ticket but also to apply for a subscription. All this by entering your data and uploading your photograph and other documents that may be required (eg, identity card, certificate of enrolment at school). A system that also allows you to manage your cards, your account and pay fines.
The employees of the transport company have the opportunity to view the requests, also in smart working, and approve them, authorizing the production of the cards. The delivery of a physical cardand of the subscription requires however to get out of virtuality. AEP has thought of a new solution, which avoids having to go to the ticket office: the new CLM-3 self-service unit is able to physically produce the smart card, complete with printing and encoding. After approval, the customer receives an email from the company containing a QR-code that can be simply “presented” to the CLM-3 that will immediately issue the requested card. The Customer can make the payment at the moment of the card request but no charge will be made until the delivery of the card. CLM-3 has also a POS for local payments, e.g. for subscription renewals.
This type of equipment is already in operation at Möbius (Angoulême, France) and SITAC (Châlons-en-Champagne, France) but will soon arrive in Italy.