Occupational Health and Safety: AEP obtains certification
Investing in this area means creating opportunities for the company
Not only product excellence. But also quality in the working environment. Aep has obtained ISO 45001 certification relating to the health and safety of workers. A recognition relating to the management systems for Occupational Health and Safety, which certifies the company’s commitment to achieving safe and healthy work, as well as prevention from possible accidents at work and health problems of employees through the implementation of a process of continuous improvement.
«ISO 45001 is the first international standard on Occupational Health and Safety – said Giovanni Nebiolo responsible for AEP Human Resources – the certification that integrates and replaces the previous regulations, and is in addition to the others we have already achieved: ISO 14001 concerning the environmental management system, and ISO 9001 concerning Quality Management Systems. AEP has always pursued the policy of maximum attention to the issues of Health and Safety at Work, today made even more crucial by the current pandemic Covid 19. We are convinced that they represent the essential basis of any modern company and that all investments oriented to the health and safety of workers are quickly transformed into opportunities of great value for the Company».
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