EMV-ONE was launched in Carloforte (Sardinia) !
Carloforte, May 30, 2019 – The first ONE produced by AEP started operating on the ARST bus in Carloforte (South Sardinia), on the island of San Pietro, in the Sulcis archipelago, on the occasion of Girotonno 2019, four days of culture, arts, food and wine, music and entertainment.
ONE is one of the most interesting innovations in the field of electronic ticketing. Thanks to it and to the AEP ET-PASS system it is possible to buy tickets with contactless credit cards, directly on board. The service will be operative experimentally throughout the duration of the Girotonno and will allow people to pay for travel without additional commissions, according to the normal rates, directly on board (more information here).
As you can see in the picture, ONE is an autonomous and independent unit, dedicated exclusively to the validation of bank cards ; it does not require a ticketing system and can also be placed in parallel with existing ones, from AEP or other supplier, without entering into any conflict with them in any way but instead offering an easy integration, if required.
ONE includes an internal 3G/4G modem (it is also possible to use an external router) and only requires for its operation only the power supply voltage taken from the vehicle’s electrical system.
ONE obviously has all the necessary certifications, such as PCI-PTS, EMV level 1 & 2 for Mastercard, VISA and American Express cards, as well as those typical of an vehicle environment equipment (“e-mark”).