AEP lands in Romania winning a 5,8M€ tender
On November 16, 2017, the Italian-Romanian-Austrian Consortium composed of AEP Ticketing Solutions, CertSIGN and Swarco, led by AEP, was designated by the Municipality of Galați (Romania) as the winner of the tender for the supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of an Automatic Fare Collection system (AFC), Automatic Vehicle Localisation (AVL) and Passenger Information Systems (PIS).
The supply and maintenance contract, for a total value of almost RON 27 million (about € 5.8 million), was signed with mutual satisfaction of the parties on December 6, 2017. The maximum implementation period is 18 months from the date of signature of the contract. Once the entire project is installed and delivered, a 5-year warranty and maintenance will follow. During the entire development, installation and warranty period, AEP Ticketing Solutions will continue to operate within the Galați project as Leader of the Consortium.
The number of vehicles initially involved in the project is about 220 buses, trolleybuses and trams. There will be 50 ticket offices, 85 RTVM-I, ticket vending machines will be installed throughout the urban area, while controllers will have at their disposal 50 CDB-4 PLUS portable devices for sale and fines.
At a later stage of the project, the introduction of onboard ticket purchasing functionality with EMV bank cards is foreseen.
During the public signing ceremony, the mayor of Galați expressed to the press and the population his satisfaction for what is already unanimously considered as the most modern and technologically advanced project in Romania and which marks the entry of AEP in this increasingly important nation in Europe.
In the photo, the mayor of Galați, Ionut Florin Pucheanu, shakes hands with Giampiero Luzzi of AEP, commercial manager of the operation.