AEP becomes member of ADCET
ADCET is a French association created in 2005 and that brings together public and private members in order to promote the development of electronic transaction in local and regional authoritihies to improve the life of citizens and the management of insitutions.
Among its important activities, the composition of AMC (Application Multiservices Citoyenne) standard, which describes a technical framework for the management of services in territories (local authorities, universities, etc.) compatible with several media (cards, mobiles, etc.) is of particular interest.
Following the work of ADCET, the Comission Nationale de Normalisation (National Standardization Commission) validated the status of experimental standard for AMC in June 2016 and approved the creation of a “Multiservices” working group with a view to submitting AMC to the final approval as a French standard and European one with AFNOR reference XP 99-508.